Newsletter 22 May 2020

Dear Parents

As the Minister of Basic Education has allowed us to reopen schools we are working with haste but with extreme care to be able to welcome back students in Grade 12 and Grade 7 from the 1st of June. The school will without doubt be different and this will require an adjustment from teachers, learners and parents. During the course of next week, you will receive clear detail in how the school will function and what is required from you, as parents.

The conditions of reopening are not negotiable and have been clearly defined for us and with the help of Mrs Omar and the Health and safety officer from the hospital, we have been given clear and practical approval for our opening protocols. Be assured all staff and learners will be briefed on how to function in the new school landscape.

As we move towards a new era of life at school can I ask you to take a few minutes to view the video link. It’s really important that you as parents talk to your child/children about what is happening in the world today and how their lives have changed. They need to understand and not be afraid of the future.

Facing the future

I also have an interesting and informative item for you to read which I have placed on the website but you can access it here visa the link.

We are all in this together

Please be alert for important text and email messages from us regarding the reopening of the school and the necessary protocols that have been implemented

 Stay safe


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